
About Us

Utilizing the percipience and experience of our team as well as the support of the country's medical and hospital centers, Farateb Jarah Co. has maintained its growing trend and is currently supplying consumer equipment in more than 800 reputable medical centers and hospitals in all Provinces of the country to continue their activities.

About FaraTeb Jarrah

We owe our success over time to the helpful customer reviews and support more than anything. Therefore, we try to do our best to satisfy customers. For this purpose, survey and customer satisfaction programs have been implemented.
In these programs, which are implemented Permanently, customers' opinions on various issues such as quality, sales, services, delivery, etc. are collected and reviewed, and finally, based on customer feedback, needed corrections and improvements in internal procedures. will be done.
In order to identify and meet the needs of our customers, FaraTeb Jarrah is trying to analyze and manage the customer’s requirements by the use of appropriate and integrated customer relationship management software (Microsoft Dynamic CRM).
In order to provide suitable conditions for the optimal performance of the company's products in medical centers and hospitals, a one-year replacement warranty for permanent equipment in the group of patient cables and monitoring and pulse oximeter probes is provided. Also, to meet the essential needs of medical centers and hospitals, internal capabilities that guarantee the implementation of this program, including accurate planning of orders, keeping the minimum inventory at the appropriate level, using a comprehensive information system, accurate internal procedures in the field of delivery, cooperation With reputable shipping companies for timely and fast delivery of orders and finally procedures to follow up and ensure the delivery of ordered goods, have been developed and implemented.